The Story of the lost wiki

It was a dark and scary night, and it happened in a night, just like this one, in a forum, just like this one. Thankfully I was the only one to survive this monstrosity in order to tell this story, so I felt like I was obligated to tell my story.
It all started when I was typing on the original Trollpasta Wiki. Let's call it Trollpasta Wiki version 6.66. I was looking at the forums and LOLSKELETONS wrote a post, he was saying that Trollpastas needed serious quality control. He said he was going to start a massacre, a purge as he said of deleting pastas.
Naturally I thought, well LOLSKELETONS is a piece of shit anyway. I proceeded to write a piece of shit pasta immediatley.
''Boy was that a mistake.''
Suddenly when I finished the pasta and published it my screen cut to black.
Godzillafan1 suddenlt appeared on the screen.
"HOLY HELL!" I screamed. I was panic stricken and I began to try to run. Godzillafan1 said "STOP CHICKEN!" "What did you just call me?" I replied. "Chicken." Godzillafan1 retorted and then he heckled for a while. "NOBODY CALLS ME A CHICKEN." Godzilla fan on the screen suddenly tied me up. I said "What did I do to you?" Godzillafan1 and all theother admins appeared they all laughed and LOLSKELETONS said. "You've been writing all of these shitty pastas, and now you're about to get purged. "What am I going to do?" Said I. "Frankly my dear I don't give a damn." Said Godzillafan1 "All of the people in the trollpasta community were all massacred." Replied LOLSKELETONS. "Now we're gonna delete you!" They all said. "NO WAIT!" I yelled at the top of my frail Lungs. "I can do a job for you guys if people keep posting shitty troll-pastas, I can intervine and warn them with this very post." They all said "It will be done."
So whatever you do write good pastas or else having a pasta deleted, means you'll die.